What is consistency and why is it so important?


Marco's MacBook, our production manager, has a sticker that says consistency. So much for one of the keys to our work, consistency, which is what allows us to replicate the best characteristics for each coffee, roast after roast. You can roast a batch of coffee and have it come out great, but if you don't know how to replicate it, it was just luck.

We do not understand consistency without quality; for us, they are inseparable. And that is precisely what characterizes NOMAD, because it offers both to our customers every week. So important are they that this is the only way we have earned their trust.

On the other hand, the human team is fundamental to sustain this soul of quality and consistency that is the backbone of our company. We are the people responsible for achieving this quality and consistency in our coffees. To achieve this, the work environment should be one of productivity and companionship, and at NOMAD we work to make this happen.

In the roasting department of NOMAD we have created protocols and conditions that are almost ideal to be able to repeat the characteristics that we desire for each coffee. To achieve this, we have invested many resources such as precision digital pressure gauges, scales, air conditioners, among others. However, we have not always had all the tools. At the beginning, when Jordi Mestre was still roasting all the coffee served in the Coffee Lab in a 500gr roaster, the way in which each roast was registered was with paper and pencil.

A lot has changed since then:

- We have two Probat UG22 roasters with which we are able to roast 36 kg of green coffee approximately every 20 minutes (including the protocol time between roasting and roasting).

- We have incorporated Cropster, a software that allows us to record second by second the temperature of the coffee bean, in addition to other data.

- We have created several protocols on our roasting day that everyone follows, such as the roaster heating protocol and the Between Batch Protocol (BBP).

- We apply a cleaning and maintenance protocol for the toasters, which is essential for them to always work properly and in the same way.

- We use precision digital pressure gauges to accurately control the gas output of our toasters.

- Differential pressure sensors help us to regulate the air pressure inside the toaster.

- The installation of different thermometers, both in the roasting room and in the green coffee room, monitor the temperature on a daily basis in order to adjust the power of the air conditioners in both rooms as necessary.

All have been gradual implementations and we are sure that more will come, because we can continue to improve our processes to achieve even more consistency in both roasting and other aspects of our business.