Cookies Policy

On the website we use cookies to facilitate the relationship of visitors with our content and to allow us to compile statistics on the visits we receive.

In compliance with Directive 2009/136/EC, developed in our legislation by the second paragraph of Article 22 of the Law on Information Society Services, following the guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, we proceed to inform you in detail of the use made of our website.

Cookies are small files that are recorded in the browser used by each visitor to our website so that the server can remember the visit of that user later when you return to access our content. This information does not reveal your identity or any personal data, or access to the content stored on your pc, but it does allow our system to identify you as a particular user who has visited the web previously, viewed certain pages, etc. and also allows us to save your personal preferences and technical information such as visits made or specific pages you visit.

The purpose of cookies is to provide the User with faster access to the selected Services.

If you do not want cookies to be stored in your browser or prefer to receive information each time a cookie requests to be installed, you can configure your navigation options to do so. Most browsers allow the management of cookies in 3 different ways:

  • Cookies are always rejected;
  • The browser asks if the user wants to install each cookie;
  • Cookies are always accepted;

Your browser may also include the ability to select in detail the cookies you want to be installed on your computer. Specifically, the user can normally accept one of the following options:

  • refuse cookies from certain domains;
  • reject third party cookies;
  • accept cookies as non-persistent (they are deleted when the browser is closed);
  • allow the server to create cookies for a different domain.

To allow, know, block or delete cookies installed on your computer you can do so by configuring the browser options installed on your computer.

Information on how to configure the most commonly used browsers can be found at the following locations:

  • Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Settings. For more information, you can consult Microsoft support or the browser's Help.
  • Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom Settings. For more information, you can consult Mozilla support or the browser's Help.
  • Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings. For more information, you can consult Google support or the browser's Help.
  • Safari: Preferences -> Security. For more information, you can consult Apple support or the browser's Help.

With respect to third party cookies, i.e. those that are external to our website, we cannot be responsible for the content and accuracy of the privacy policies that they include so the information we offer is always with reference to the source.

The application used to ensure compliance with GDPR, LGPD, CCPA-CPRA, VCDPA, CPA, CTDPA, APPI, PIPEDA of this site collects your IP and email address for data processing purposes. For more information, please refer to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Rectification of data

You can use the following link to update your account information if it is not accurate.

Data portability

You can use the links below to download all the data we store and use for a better experience in our store.

Access to personal data

You can use the following link to request a report that will contain all the personal information we store about you.

Right to be forgotten

Use this option if you wish to remove your personal and other data from our store. Please note that this process will delete your account, so you will no longer be able to access or use it.