What do we mean when we talk about specialty coffee?

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Specialty coffee is a category that is granted to coffee that is outside the commonly established ranges. This makes the product gain value, both at a sensory level improving its flavor, as well as at a commercial level increasing its price.
But it must be taken into account that in order to access this category the coffee must comply with a series of requirements determined by the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) and pass a score of 80 points out of 100, awarded by certified tasters. In this score the coffee is evaluated in a sensory manner, scoring attributes such as fragrance and aroma, flavor and aftertaste, acidity, body, among others.

How is specialty coffee obtained?

Specialty coffee is obtained through good cultivation practices, everything starts at origin. Deciding on the variety, nurturing the soil, taking care of the plant's environment, carrying out good processes, are all things that the producer does and this is what makes the quality of the coffee good.

The producer chooses what he is going to harvest and depending on the type of variety he chooses, it will need some care or others. The plant must be provided with optimal conditions for its adaptation, a well nourished soil, shade, sufficient water...

Harvesting varies depending on the country or regions. Within the same country, for example Ecuador, the harvest starts in March and ends in September in the northern part, while in the southern part the harvest starts in September and ends in March.

Once the coffee has been processed, it is stored in warehouses in well-sealed grainpro bags, allowing the beans to stabilize before being shipped. Each coffee has its own roasting profile and each roaster its own roasting technique. The beans arrive green and we roast them depending on their characteristics.

At Nomad we roast on demand and ship it immediately, except for wholesale consumption, where the bags are shipped after a week's rest. Coffee is packaged in 250 gr bags, 2kg bags and 4kg buckets for shipments to Barcelona.

More than a category

From our point of view, specialty coffee is not only a category within an established protocol, for us it is a product that promotes values with which we feel identified: values such as traceability, sustainability, respect for nature, conscious consumption and the people that surround it. These are some of the reasons that make us choose this product.