Sage, a coffee machine with a barista in it


So beautiful and bright that they seem to have a light of their own. These are the Sage espresso machines that you will soon start to see everywhere and that have arrived in Spain to revolutionize the way we make coffee at home.

With all the goodness of a professional machine but without the need for great technical knowledge, Sage espresso machines are an ideal gift for the coffee enthusiast who wants to learn to master another gadget and, of course, for baristas who want to have it at home at a more economical price than those used in coffee shops.

They are fast, have a multitude of customization modes and a host of tools that make it as easy as possible to prepare the best coffee: intelligent dosing, precise temperature control, ideal water pressure and excellent milk treatment.

Here are more details. Thanks to the Thermojet system, Sage brewers take only 3 seconds to heat up. It also has more than 30 settings to obtain the point of Grinding that is most convenient for each coffee and method. It is also possible to define the amount of liquid necessary for each recipe and some machines even have a blade capable of eliminating the excess coffee so that the dose is perfect, between 18 and 19 grams.


The barista comes to your home with Sage Barista Touch Impress

Of all the Sage machines, the Sage Barista Touch Impress stands out. "It's like it has a barista in it," explains Ivette, our training manager to talk about how really easy it is to prepare a coffee with it.

"It shows you all the steps you need to do, in real time, to prepare your coffee optimally through its touch screen". Through it you can select up to 8 coffee programs or 8 personalized drinks. And if you're too lazy to look at the instruction manual, don't worry: with a free application you can set up your Sage Barista Touch Impress in no time at all.

Grinding, dosing and pressing, complex and decisive points in the preparation of a good coffee, are simplified thanks to the Sage espresso machine: the grinder has conical grinders in hardened Baratza steel, gives the right dose and self-corrects the next one, has an assisted pressing of 10 kg and adds a 7-degree turn to the coffee holder once in the machine, just as professional baristas do.

The milk treatment of the Sage Barista Touch Impress is really impressive. It incorporates a system to obtain a micro-frothed milk that will allow you to enjoy a silky coffee as well as to practice latte art at home. In addition, its Auto MilQ system allows you to calibrate the air injection time and temperature, between 40°C and 75°C, depending on the type of alternative milk you choose, to achieve the perfect texture. Or, if you prefer, you can also opt for classic manual frothing.

So now you know: if you want your coffees at home to come out like a barista's, get the Sage Barista Touch Impress↓.