Back to school: learn about coffee and become a barista

The Coffee Academy - Training

The truth is that, until now, training as a barista meant many hours of practice behind the bar and a high dose of curiosity to research on the internet and even to travel the world from coffee shop to coffee shop. However, if today you decide to become a barista or simply want to learn all the necessary details to make a good coffee at home, you can go to The Coffee Academy.

The Coffee Academy is an initiative of Nomad Coffee in response to the lack of formal studies in the world of specialty coffee. Adapted to the needs of each student, we have designed workshops of several hours where you will leave with a complete knowledge of expert level to embroider your next v60 and courses through which, after a few days, you will have both the theory and practice to start working in a coffee shop.

"The students are very happy because they can finally approach a world that awakens their interest in a simple and didactic way," explains Ivette Vera, director of education at The Coffee Academy. "The world of coffee is a precision science, like the kitchen, and therefore has many technicalities that can create rejection. At The Coffee Academy we make it easy, explaining them with clear examples and putting them into practice with exercises that help to understand them. And if there are still any doubts, we do our best to resolve them.

These are some of the courses offered by The Coffee Academy:

-This September 18, 19 and 20, The Coffee Academy inaugurates the firstPRE-Q Grader course where students learn to taste coffees, distinguish flavors and understand all the whys and wherefores in a professional manner. At the end of the course, students will be able to sit for the Q.Grader certification exam, which demonstrates that they are capable of evaluating coffees and determining whether or not they are specialty coffees through their physical and organoleptic properties.

-Espresso. The espresso machine is a mystery for many. What really happens under that metallic casing? How do you get such a nice texture? Why is the coffee pressed in this way in the filter holders? We assure you that knowing all its mysteries will not detract from the charm of the machine or the coffee.

-Filter. We know: you've tried a good filter coffee and you're hooked. You would like to make it at home but you don't know how, and we are here to help you. We will review different methods and techniques and with different waters so that you can achieve, once and for all, the best results in your kitchen.

-FastTast. We promise: in 1 hour you will leave changed. Or, if not, at least you will have drunk some very tasty coffees. In this quick workshop you will learn how to taste specialty coffees and learn precise information about their origin, processes and varieties. This training can also be done in a group, to train your colleagues or to turn your friends into authentic specialty coffee lovers.

-Waterand specialty coffee. Few things are more important on this planet, and also in coffee. That's why water plays a significant role in the taste of our coffee. Learn about minerals, water tasting, how they affect coffee and much more in this monograph given by Dara, chemical engineer, and our barista Ivette Vera.

-Coldbrew. Nothing more versatile than a cold brew, perfect for the warmer months and for the hottest months, as well as for mixing in cocktails. If you want to know how to get a more floral or chocolatey cold brew and everything you need to make it at home, this is your workshop.


Back to school! Back to learning! And long live coffee!