
Varieties are something that we always mention and see on our coffee package and many times we do not know what they mean.

Starting from the premise that coffee comes from the fruit of a plant and that the species par excellence in the world is the Arabica, we should know that there are many types of Arabica, all with different organoleptic characteristics, which is why each one is defined by a name, these are known as varieties, which will provide us with a lot of information about that particular coffee. 

The most consumed varieties are Bourbon and Typica but there are many others such as geisha, pacamara.

If you want to become an expert on the varieties of coffee, what differentiates them and how they affect a cup, do not hesitate to sign up for our sensory workshop.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to register for the barista workshops?

Do you offer more advanced barista training?

What topics are covered in the free courses?

Do I need to have my own coffee machine to learn to be a barista?

What are SCA courses and diplomas?